Tuesday 18 October 2011

Sample Sale Report: Jil Sander (or lack thereof)

Headed down to the Jil Sander sample sale today and got in line around 4:20pm.  The sale was supposed to close at 6pm - but doors shuttered just before 5pm (right when I was at the front of the door)!  Needless to say it was irritating.  Don't get me wrong...I'm sure there were plenty of people up there but seriously - if you're going to shut down a sale due to high traffic, you need to communicate that clearly.  And by clearly, I don't mean just to the people who were within an earshot of the door.  Seriously, even Target has better PR tactics than this.  Put up a sign, have an employee man the exit telling people that the sale is closed....do SOMETHING.
And by something, I don't mean leaving the doorman to fend off ravenous bargain hunters looking to score some serious deals (i.e. 80% off).  Seriously, if you see this guy - cut him some slack.  He doesn't work the sample sale, or for Jil Sander so lay off of him.  He's doing his job.  Jil Sander's PR - that's another story...  

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