Sunday 30 October 2011

101 Reasons to Leave New York

So yup, I  really did it - I left New York.  I was planning to stay in the city for at least another year, and I always thought I'd leave the big city to return to my home state, California.

New York is such an amazing place.  It introduced me to Erin and inspired the birth of Sugar Rock Catwalk!  New York has everything (except for good Mexican and Vietnamese food), but all of that does come at a price.  The city is intense, even grocery shopping sometimes feels like a spectacle with lines running throughout the store.  My last couple of years in New York I was always on grind - perhaps because I could never say no in a city full of opportunities.

My friend and personal mentor Howard Jordan Jr describes it all best in his book 101 Reasons to Leave New York.  He really captured my love-hate relationship with the city.  Every reason to leave is a reason to stay.  If you live or have lived in New York, you'll enjoy the list.

Ultimately, I left New York not because I was fed up, but rather because it was time for me to try something new and I wanted to leave on a high note.  It was with a heavy heart that I said goodbye to friends and the city

I already miss everyone like James Rand. What am I going to do without him as my go-to photographer?  These photos were our last set together when I was house hunting in Chicago, and he just happened to be in town the same weekend to visit an old friend.
It's a bit hard to believe that just a month ago I was wearing summer tops and apartment hunting.  I'm still settling into my new life, but at my apartment is furnished and closet setup.
Word on the street is that the worst winter is headed for Chicago.  I'm a little scared, but more than anything, I'm excited to emerge victorious this spring and experience Chicago summer as a resident.
Crop top - Feature
Print pants - secondhand
Necklace - Subversive for Target
Flats - DV Dolce Vita Marcela (you can find the fall version with tan vs. white soles if you search for the Marcel)

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