Monday 23 January 2012

Instagram Diary

(Chicago at sunset from the Aon Center, no filter; my roommate's Jack Russell Harper)

Just a few weeks ago I finally upgraded to the latest and greatest iPhone, the 4S.  With a new phone came a bunch of new apps, including Instagram.  Wow, I'm kind of addicted.  I love how easy it is to share to Facebook and Twitter, and while a bit cheesy, I do enjoy playing with the filters.  I also enjoy browsing my Instagram feed, super visual and minimal reading.  It's a nice way to keep in touch with friends around the world and follow favorite designers and fashion bloggers.

(My bedroom; words to live by to the right of my bed)

You can take the girl out of New York, but you can't take the wedged booties out of her closet.  My Style Diary has been quite the same without James S. Rand in my life.  The exciting news is that he's Chicago-bound!  I can't wait for us to collaborate again.

I've also made a couple of great new friends here - Owen and Corey, and we had a small shoot the other weekend which was super fun.  Here's a preview; I'll be sharing the rest pictures soon.  With their help, I hope to get back into personal style blogging again.

(Photo by Corey Lillard with Owen Black)

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