Monday 31 October 2011

Product Review: Nails Inc. Magnetic Nail Polish


I first read about magnetic nail polish a few months ago and have been wanting to try it ever since but never bothered importing it from the UK.  Fortunately Sephora recently started carrying Nails Inc Magnetic Polish in 2 different colors.  My roommate recently picked up the purple toned Houses of Parliament and soon our entire apartment had excitedly applied the polish.



Application of the nail polish is quite easy. It brushes on like regular nail polish.  On the 2nd coat – that’s when you have to switch up the process.  Instead of moving on to the next nail, you hold the magnetic lid over each wet nail immediately after painting to reveal the design.  The lid features a ridge that sits on your cuticle but it is a little difficult to tell when you are going to hit your nail so I would recommend holding it at a slight angle, not parallel to your nail.  I tried to get really close to the nail but unfortunately since the lid is a bit clunky, I misjudged the distance and ruined one of my nails.  Also try to hold the lid for at least 10/15 seconds for optimal stripped effect. You can see that my index finger is not as distinct (learning curve)IMAG3320

I have been painting furniture so I was a bit rough on my nails but the 2nd day I could already see signs of wear at some of the edges and sides.


By the 3rd day a few of the nails definitely started to chip, not only on the edges but deeper into the nail bed too.  My nails though looked in much better shape than my roommates who had not remembered to apply top coat.  I guess it’s a bit similar to the delicate nature of OPI Suede.  It dries rather quickly and is a little thicker than regular polish but it wears down faster.  Make sure you use Top Coat to get it to last longer than a couple  days.


By day 5 while my left hand did not look so horrible, my right hand looked pretty awful and I knew it was time to change the polish.

I do have to say the nail polish was really fun to apply, it almost feels like a bit of nail magic.  Also, the effects were subtle enough to be appropriate even in a conservative office environment. It still is noticeable enough though to get compliments from strangers on your morning subway ride. Although at $16 for a small bottle it may seem a bit pricey, if you want something different but not in-your-face magnetic nail polish is easy to do and even more fun to look at. The stripes kind of remind me of tigers eye in a very hypnotic kind of way.

ps. If you pick this up remember to get the Sephora Friends and Family code for 20% off your online order.

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