Friday 28 October 2011

MS Paint - Really??

So lately I've been experimenting with MS paint.  Whenever I need a 72 second break from work, I take my trusty two button mouse and draw cartoons of people I know.  Sometimes I literally have to stop myself from laughing out loud by myself at my desk. It makes whatever crap you're dealing with melt away - even if its just for a few moments...Anyways - here's some of the things I've drawn over the past little while.  Each sketch usually follows the same life cycle pattern - I draw, I laugh, I text/email the drawing to everyone in the drawing, everyone laughs, it goes on facebook as someones profile pic...
This is a picture of my flatmates.  I decided they would both look better with different hairstyles. I graciously volunteered to do "A"s hair.
 Here's of of SRC's friends who moved away to London this past summer =/ 
SRC! Kudos if you can guess which outfits Erin and Lani's are taken from.  I tried to be as precise as I could be.  Hence Lani's asymmetrical hair and Erin's braid.  Have a great Halloween weekend!

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