Wednesday 27 March 2013

Super Easy Healthy Banana Oat Cookies

2013-03-23 19.09.54
Cookies have been food group that I've had to severely reduce since I began cutting gluten, dairy and eggs out of my life. Seriously, I think countless friends have told me that I've lost a lot of weight, and it's not that I am eating less, but I am eating less in terms of baked goods. When I can get it though, I've always appreciated Babycakes Bakery's cupcake tops and cookie sandwiches as well as Enjoy Life's Snickerdoodles in the grocery aisle.

So when a friend told me at a recent get together that we were going to make sugar free, butter free, egg free, gluten free cookies, I had my doubts. Have you ever made a recipe from Pinterest? I guess there is always a first time for everything. I tried on 2 occasions with slightly different sets of ingredients and quickly learned what works best. These aren't cookies in the traditional sense, they are a bit more like dessert bars, but still tasty nonetheless.
*Use very ripe bananas, the more brown spots the better.
*Use quick oats. You can use gluten-free rolled oats, but quick oats works so much better. Since I'm not celiac, and I couldn't find GF quick oats, I just used regular quick oats, but they exist :)
*Mini chocolate chips work better than the chunks
*Not necessary but if you want a bit of a richer flavor, add a teaspoon and a half of melted coconut oil to your batter. You won't be sorry.
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Pretty much the base recipe goes:
2 bananas
1 cup of quick oats

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a cookie sheet (don't skimp or your cookies will get stuck). Mash the ingredients together and add any mix-ins. Spoon tablespoons of your mixture onto your cookie sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes until firm and lightly browned on the edges.

For this version pictured I used 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1/2 cup of currants for a spin on an oatmeal raisin cookie.
2013-03-23 19.37.22
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I made another version that instead of cinnamon and currants, I used 1/3 cup of coconut and 1/2 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips (you can use carob chips, to cut out sugar, but they have dairy)!  The coconut added a nice texture to the recipe.

Ultimately, my bananas weren't ripe enough, and my chocolate chips were chunks, so they ended melting everywhere when I tried to free them from the pan.  Still not too shabby, and they held together just fine.

For my next attempt, I may try adding some peanut butter to the batter to see where it will take me.
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