Tuesday 5 March 2013

Now Playing: The Lone Bellow

When I first heard of the band The Lone Bellow back in January I was intrigued because they were described as a Brooklyn Country band.  Country music. In Brooklyn. Really? I couldn't help the initial picture in my head of twanging music, big hair and cowboy boots.

So I had to find out more and as I always do, I jumped onto Spotify and was immediately charmed by the song, "Green Eyes And A Heart of Gold". Who wouldn't relate to the lyrics, "You're broke in New York City, the F train takes us home...", especially if you happen to live off the F train as I do. Soon afterwards I found myself humming the addictive and catchy, "You Don't Love Me Like You Used To".

While I am fan of folk and bluegrass music, I have a hard time calling myself a country music fan. But if this is country music, perhaps I am changing my mind because I am a fan of The Lone Bellow.  Perhaps because the band members, lead singer/songwriter Zach Williams, guitarist Brian Elmquist, and singer Kanene Pipkin, are Southern transplants who live in Brooklyn. I can relate to the soul searching, the growing pains, the words of betrayal, tragedy and in the darkness hope.

I encourage you to check them out, there is not a song on their debut album that I don't like. If you like what you hear you can see them live with Ivan & Alyosha at Santos Party House on April 18, 2013. I've got my tickets!

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