Saturday 18 May 2013

Now Wearing...

photo via Trés Awesome

Every piece in this photo has been in heavy rotation for me.  I picked up this varsity jacket from Topshop a couple months ago after DJing their prom shopping event, and I've worn the hell out of this thing!  It's so comfortable and makes every outfit instantly brighter and more playful.

The bag is a Botkier Valentina, which is on super sale at Amazon.  I'd be upset that I paid more except that I've had the bag for four months, and I've used it literally everyday.  For work, I'll occasionally carry an additional canvas tote bag, but for the most part, the size of this bag is perfect for me. There are just enough compartments for me to keep my things straight, but not so many that I forget where I've stashed things.  And the keychain is the best thing ever!

This photo was snapped by Chicago street style blog Trés Awesome (Emma Arnold).  I've heard quite a bit about Emma and her blog since starting at Leo Burnett last May because she's a Burnetter too!  Check out this video that our agency made featuring Emma and her life outside the agency.

And because I'm a very lucky lady, the agency recently featured me as well.  The video was filmed at The Bedford where I DJ monthly.  I'm spinning there again in a couple weeks on Saturday, June 1st.  If you're in town (and you should be because Chicago summers are the best), come say hi!

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