Wednesday 15 May 2013

Iron Man 3 x Schwan Brands

2013-05-07 18.13.20
Last week, Jeff and I were invited to attend Schwan's screening of Iron Man 3. I'm not going to lie, I was super excited because I am a bit of a geek when it comes to super hero movies, probably stems from my childhood days of watching TV shows made for boys thanks to my younger brother. Anyways the screening was super fun and we were spoiled with an assortment of pies from the Schwan's collection! Pizza pies in all shapes and forms by Red Baron, Tony's and Freschetta. Also dessert pies from Mrs. Smith's and Edwards in flavors like cherry, apple crumble and chocolate cream. Something about seeing these frozen foods kind of brought me back to childhood, even though I could no longer eat them with my GF,  DF diet, everything smelled wonderful and I was a bit jealous of all those around me. I overheard folks chattering that movies will never be the same again now that they got to eat pie while watching.

The movie itself was a lot of fun! I really got into it and embarrassingly even screamed out loud a couple of times. Yes, I can't stand surprises, even when I know they are coming. I am not normally a fan of 3-D movies, this was well done. While Iron Man 3 is not at all artful or cinematically beautiful, it is action done right and in some ways a tech lovers dream.
2013-05-07 18.19.142013-05-07 18.18.09

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