Friday 5 October 2012

Go Watch: Pitch Perfect

Saw this last week at Union Square when it opened up in select theaters and I have to say I LOVED this movie.  I have this paranoia about bedbugs at theaters so in my 2+ years in NYC, I've only seen two movies via Manhattan bound theaters...and this was one of them.   If you're a fan of music, dance, glee (when it was actually good), etc. then you'll like this movie.  For movies, I like mine lighthearted, funny and witty - and Pitch Perfect has all of the above.

Seriously, I laughed so hard every time Rebel Wilson opened her mouth ("Fat Amy") - she is so friggen hilarious!  If you want a good laugh and want to watch something that doesn't take itself too seriously I definitely recommend this movie!

Happy Columbus Day/Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend!

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