Tuesday 30 October 2012

Sandy: The Aftermath

Sandy is a messy one.  Clearly she didn't get the memo about picking up after herself.  Hope you all stayed safe/dry last night!  My area in Williamsburg was pretty lucky - everything stayed intact (power, gas, water) except for a brief stint with the internet last night.  Overall, definitely can't complain.  It's day 2 of being under lockdown and I had to go out to get some air - I can only watch the same news broadcasters so many times and eat so many cookies....

Most of the stuff in my area is basically intact - except for a few scaffolding boards and a tipped porta-potty.  I stopped by McCarren Park for a bit and saw one of these gimungous light posts that just snapped at the base like a twig and toppled over along with a couple of fallen trees.
Hope you all are holding up well - especially those without power. Stay Safe!

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