Wednesday 11 January 2012

DIY: Basic Wedding Veil - Under $10

I recently posted about how to DIY a Birdcage Wedding Veil since my bridesmaid duties recently put my crafting skills into work.  I had no idea that wedding veils were so expensive and we ended up making one for under $10 - the tulle was about $7 on sale and the comb was about $1.50. It was fairly easy and much faster than I  anticipated so it’s perfect for those Brides-to-be’s on a budget!  Since my friend the bride-to-be wanted a classic wedding veil for the ceremony and a birdcage veil for the reception we experimented with tulle until we got exactly the right proportions she was looking for.  Please note that this veil was not made to cover the face.

2 yards soft tulle (I used 96” wide tulle so I would have a lot to play with but we trimmed it down a lot)
Sharp scissors or a rotary cutter and board
1 Comb
Needle and Thread
Decorative Touches (Flower/Ribbon)

Compared to the Birdcage Veil DIY, the classic veil is a lot simpler in terms of construction although you could make it as fancy as you want by hemming the edges, adding trim lace or using craft glue to apply rhinestones or flat back pearls.  Since my friend wanted a really simple look we left the edge raw.  This means that you must cut really cleanly with very sharp scissors and a steady hand.
If you are able to gently steam out the fabric before you begin it will make it easier to control and accurately cut the fabric (since tulle may melt, I did not apply the iron directly on the fabric just held it gently over as I hit the steam button).
Fold the tulle into quarters.  Cut out a soft oval shape.  My oval was about 59”x54” to create a double layered veil that comes to waist level.
Unfold the oval and trim away any jagged edges and soften out the shape.
Fold the oval leaving desired space between the two layers.  The difference between the 2 edges was about 7” on the veil I created.
Using a needle and thread make a loose, even running stitch through the entire side of the folded edge of the oval.
Softly gather up the tulle until it is about the width of the comb. Evenly distribute the tulle along the edge of the tulle before securing.

If you like you can cover the comb in advance with ribbon by wrapping it around the metal.  For our purposes I just secured the tulle to the comb using needle and thread.
At this point you can add whatever fabric flowers or decorative touches onto the comb as desired.  Since my friend’s wedding decorations are not yet finalized we left off the decorations and kept things simple.

Ta Da!  A very simple classic wedding veil that cost under $10 to make.

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