Wednesday 16 November 2011

Good Morning Starlings

Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.

It’s that time of year when I am starting to feel like if I blink the rest of 2011 is going to come crashing at my feet.  Lately between the press previews and the massive amount sample sales and my day job, I’m feeling a little burnt out.  I spent last weekend in Virginia and it was lovely to get out of town and see the Fall foliage and nature again but I’ve returned to the chaos that is my life and there is a mountain of paper on my desk that is 2” thick, my laundry pile is growing daily and my empty fridge minus the cheese that didn’t start off being blue is kind of taunting me.  Sometimes I just have to remind myself to breath.  This video clip is just the thing that I’ve found myself watching on repeat over the last week to remind myself to slow down and be amazed.  Think I’ll have to add seeing a murmuration of starlings to the bucket list.  The soundtrack by Nomad Soul is also a great way to start your morning.  Happy Hump Day!

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